The Food Pantry Garden
Hosted at Old South Union Church in Columbian Square in South Weymouth, The Food Pantry Garden is tended by volunteers, and open to everybody.
There are many ways to address food insecurity in our neighborhoods, and one of them is increasing access to fresh, healthy food. At least, that’s how the conversation started. All we needed was some open land, some willing volunteers, and some funding.
Things came together quickly because, hey, this is an idea everybody can get behind, but it took a special sponsor to see what an amazing investment in our community the project was. South Shore Bank stepped up as long term sponsors of the project, pledging $60,000 over ten years, ensuring that the garden will have time to get established, and continue to add value for years to come.
We harvested 1,500lbs of fresh vegetables from the garden in the first year, but the best thing about the project is the many visitors and families who drop in to enjoy the beautiful space and admire the beautiful fresh produce, and the connection and culture around fresh food that is growing in our community.

Todd Breitenstein from The Grateful Garden is in our garden to give a basic overiview of ‘how-to’ tips and skills to grow your own food. This video was made possible thanks to Whole Cities Foundation.